Excursions to Ports of the World and News for Cruise Travelers

Join Cruise through History At Sea in 2016

November 19, 2015
Cruise through History weekly blog posts of travel history and cruise travel tips have been coming to blog followers for a year. ย There is more to come in 2016. ย The blog posts are often brief...

How to Stay Healthy on Your Cruise

October 21, 2015
Imagine yourself on an airplane about to start a cruise vacation that you have anticipated all year. Assume that you have just taken your seat, about to experience an eight hour flight, when the person...

The Columbus Book Club Reading List

October 7, 2015
Christopher Columbus, the Admiral of the Ocean, went where no one before he had gone. ย He was ten years seeking support for his venture, governmental and financial. ย He was criticizedย for a wild plan to traverse...
Toscanelli map of the Atlantic 1474 (actual map interposed)

Colombian Cuisine

September 9, 2015
Upon returning from a recent trip to Colombia, the question most often asked was โ€“ how was the food. ย From Mexico through Central America tamales are ever present. ย Somewhere in Panama there is a decisive...
Cartagena fun fruit sellers

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