Announcing Release of Cruise through History Itinerary VI Atlantic Ports of North America with Cuba and Bermuda
October 18, 2021
In Itinerary VI, Ports of the Atlantic Coast of North America, travel north from Miami to Montreal, porting in Cuba and Bermuda along the way. Stories are drawn from ancient to recent history, showcasing delightful...
Cruise through History Itinerary V, Ports of Arabia to the Atlantic, Across the Southern Mediterranean – on sale now!
June 21, 2021
Read Cruise through History stories, just for fun, before you take a cruise, or when dreaming of travel. Stories are told from perspectives of people in countries visited, so well-researched, true and delightfully entertaining. History...
Fun stories of places from around the world in Cruise through History
September 7, 2020
Looking for a way to travel the world without boarding an airplane? Enjoy fun stories of places from around the world in Cruise through History. Each CTH book has short stories to transport the reader...
Itinerary IV Ports of the Black Sea – Now Available!
August 21, 2020
The next release in the Cruise through History series of story books for adult travelers, Itinerary IV Ports of the Black Sea, takes readers around the inland sea of deep history and mythology, so little traveled by cruise ships....
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