Excursions to Ports of the World and News for Cruise Travelers

For Safe Travel Take a Cruise

September 14, 2021
Somehow people feel sitting shoulder to shoulder, within six feet of eighteen people, vaccination and health status unknown, is acceptable. Airports are crowded. Planes fly full. Mention a cruise to people and they shudder.  Cruise...
Image Of Statues in Helsinki Wearing Masks

Cruise through History โ€“ Itinerary XV Ports of the Far East, with Indonesia – on sale now

August 2, 2021
Enter Itinerary XV in Cruise through History stories at the northern divide of east and west at the Bering Strait and sail south through the Far East to the Wallace Line, dividing Asia from the...
image of itinerary 15 cover

Greetings from a Cruise Ship at Sea

July 6, 2021
The long pause is ending. While politicians in DC, Florida, Scotland, and the CDC wrangle over rules for ships, cruise lines have addressed the business of guest safety with 21st century technology and healthy protocols....
Image of mark twain's snowy house

The Next Cruise Battle: Big Ships

June 28, 2021
Just as the world emerges from the long pause of Covid-19, a new battle is resuming in the cruise ship arena. The battle of small port venues versus mega-cruise ships is back on centerstage.  The...
Cruise Through History Key West

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