To Discover the New World Columbus Needed a Queen and a Good Banker
April 15, 2015
Discovery of the New World in 1492 required the persistence of an explorer with vision, ability, and good financing. ย Christopher Columbus sat in the library of his deceased father-in-law in Madeira, where he consumed knowledge...
Zoรซ โ Golden Woman of the Hagia Sophia: A Byzantine Soap Opera
April 8, 2015
The Byzantine era has so often been portrayed as the Dark Ages that the understanding of history for so many people runs from the fall of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance, as though nothing...
Sunglasses Define Cruise-Wear Style
April 1, 2015
Distinctive eyewear has become a defining note of style, to the extent that the need for corrective lenses is no longer a factor. ย For decades Parisian women have been using eyeglasses as an accessory item....
Scientists and Historians Quest to Identify Remains of Cervantes
March 26, 2015
In March 2015 the news from Madrid was full of hopes that the 400 year-old remains of the first modern novelist, Miguel de Cervantes, would be located in a local convent. If the remains found...
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