Release of the latest story book in the Cruise Through History series: ย Itinerary IX. Ports of South America
March 6, 2018
The thirty new stories in this 4th volume in the CTH series, begins in ports of Brazil and floats around South America to Colombia. ย At each port there are stories of the inspiring people, whose...
The Panama Canal Expansion Opening is Imminent
January 20, 2016
Ever since the Panama Canal opened in 1914, it has provided an ongoing opportunity to shortcut transit from the Atlantic to the Pacific. ย Two lanes can progress ships through the locks; three locks to take...
Puerto Limรณn, Costa Rica and the Black Star Enterprise of Marcus Garvey
January 13, 2016
On January 18, the United States will take the opportunity to remember the efforts of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who strived for a better vision of Blacks in America. ย His efforts are celebrated as...
Shakespeare as Travel Writer Part III: Santiago de Compostela
December 30, 2015
The beginning of a new year is a time of making resolutions to live better in the coming months. ย The practice of resolutions is not new. ย A thousand years ago the truly pious demonstrated their...
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